Rare Labuan red dots postmark
Our friend 'tapiapi' has won many useful North Borneo & Labuan lately. I noted this 'Rare Labuan red dots postmark', I remember a friend paid 5 times the realized price for a fine used copy. 'tapiapi' has go a bargain here.
It is getting more and more difficult to 'jab-see-gai' these days, even the CTO are getting expensive. So I can only show those my friend won.
Our UK seller friend is going back home next week. Hopefully we'll see some useful listings. Our 'yam-cha' session last Saturday saw 'srilabuk', 'chephe' & 'gantianexpress', where 'gantianexpress' showed us the photo of his recent acquisition of a North Borneo Japanese Occupation used in Lahad Datu, very impressive at a bargain price.
Had not heard from 'bury1883' for some time, later received a phone call from him telling me his children were home for X'mas & CNY, so he was so busy that he even missed some nice items at ebay. He then went to China searching for his 'root' (or most likely stamps). Now back to Tawau, may be studying the 'after-effect' of our recent election result :) I know too little to comment on our domestic politics :) so don't tempt me.