With and without 'stop'
From our regular Saturday night 'yam-cha', I heard that Jellyfish had won 3 lots of China Red Revenue stamps from a Hong Kong auction before the Chinese New Year, at a price that I could not earn in my life time. Unfortunately he did not show me the stamps during our last 'yam-cha' session. Could not blame him, I would have kept them in the safe with 3 guard dogs tie to it, if those were mine :)
Also heard that nbpostcard introduced a friend to bid on North Borneo post cards at eBay and now the post cards and covers collectors are facing a strong challenger. Could not get a confirmation from nbpostcard, he is on holiday in China. bury1883 phone to tell me about the situation last night and I gave him this unconfirmed news. God bless them all ! I'm blessed, I only collect used stamps for post marks :)
Happy New Year everyone, it's not over yet !