Hunters’ paradise by silamstar

"What did I do to be so lucky?"
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Location: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

I am not a hunter for animals, I do not support killing animals for body parts. I only hunt for collectibles.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Fake North Borneo post marks on eBay

September has been an interesting month on eBay, not only my friends winning some good stamps & post marks, also seen fake North Borneo post marks offered by an Italian seller, not mentioned as fake. I should not assume the worst but the seller definitely did not offer them as CTO :) I have seen a few times, on and off, such offers at eBay, so far by the same Italian seller. The post marks are clear and beautiful, as elopura put it, Italian are artistic people :)

There was a black-out last night at home from 7.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. Sabah people have been deprived of the basic necessity for modern civilization for more than 20 years now, it is hard for some to imagine that a city like Kota Kinabalu is still having regular black-out while Malaysia is sending someone to the space soon :) Who are they trying to kid ? May be the rest of the world excluding Sabah, we know because we experience it.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Keningau Provisional post mark

A few days after crashing me over a North Borneo covers lot, gantianexpress out snipe sstawao for this lot with this clear and beautiful Keningau Provisional pmk, almost a full strike with the 2 stamps together.

Last Friday afternoon I met sstawao in gantianexpress home digging into an old biscuit tin for old Tawau photograph :) Got one & left happily but did not come to our Italian friend's home that night where he & gantianexpress showed each other's while chephe and I were witnessing :) The Italian did not show us the album homing his medal winning North Borneo pages, but it was impressive enough, with a never seen before, specimen set of North Borneo stamps tied by chops of postal authority of some sort, for filing or display purposes. Also saw some red Silam chops and other rare pmk & revenue cancellations.

Having read the news on the Australians' WWII Sandakan memorial service, I notice the recent US, Australia and Japan + others joint military exercise. May be the Australian had forgiven & forgotten but I doubt if the Japanese will ever forget the 2 atomic bombs dropped on them, God bless America ! (As they always said) I believe most Japanese people are OK but their right wingers still having strong influence over their government, they don't see anything wrong invading other countries, now they've found a friend or two. God bless Australia too :)

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